Like my love affair with mountains, my love affair with water also began with my time in Banff, ALberta, at the Banff Centre, during an artist residency. The colours of the beautiful glacial Kicking Horse River had captured my imagination on the drive in. And the Bow River, which runs through Banff, was something I spent a lot of time looking at. Since then, I always take a moment to marvel at whatever body of water I happen upon.
For Available Art

All is Golden - gouache on paper

All is Golden 1 - gouache on paper

All is Golden 2 - gouache on paper

Take A Deep Breath - gouache on paper

Rippling Out To Greet You - gouache on paper

Hot Summer Sun - gouache on paper

Mirrored - gouache on canvas

Love Affair - gouache on canvas

SeaSky 1, gouache on paper

SeaSky 2, gouache on paper

SeaSky 14, gouache on paper

SeaSky 15, gouache on paper

Shallows I - gouache on canvas

Minnewanka - gouache on canvas

Those Who Swim Here - gouache on canvas

Above As Below - gouache on canvas

Bow River Suite 1 - gouache on paper

Bow River Suite 2 - gouache on paper

Bow River Suite 4- gouache on paper

Caribbean Glow 3 - gouache on paper

Caribbean Glow - gouache on paper

Bow River Redux 4 - gouache on paper

Labyrinth Water - gouache on paper

Vortex Water - gouache on paper